The Scarsdale Medical 14-Day Diet Meal Plan

To give you an idea of the power and simplicity of the Scarsdale Diet, we’ve put together a full 14-day diet meal plan below. Let us know your thoughts in the comment section and feel free to download and share the 14-day meal plan with your friends and family. When looking for ways to help you with your diet checkout this amazing phenq review.

Breakfast Every Day

  • One-half grapefruit -if not available, use fruits in season
  • One slice of protein bread, toasted, no spread added
  • Coffee /tea (no sugar, cream or milk, no honey)



  • Assorted cold cuts
  • Tomatoes – sliced, broiled, or stewed
  • Coffee/Tea/Diet Soda/Water


  • Fish or shellfish, any kind
  • Combination salad, any greens, and vegetables as you wish
  • One slice protein bread, toasted
  • Grapefruit – if not available, use fruits in season
  • Coffee/Tea/Diet Soda/Water



  • Fruit salad, any combination of fruits
  • Coffee/Tea/Diet Soda/Water


  • Plenty of broiled, lean hamburger
  • Tomatoes, lettuce, celery, olives (limit 4), cucumbers and/or Brussels Sprouts
  • Coffee/Tea/Diet Soda/Water



  • Tuna fish or salmon salad (oil drained off)with lemon and vinegar dressing
  • Grapefruit, or melon, or fruit in season
  • Coffee/Tea/Diet Soda/Water


  • Sliced roast lamb, all visible fat removed
  • Salad of lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, celery
  • Coffee/Tea/Diet Soda/Water



  • Two eggs, any style (no fat used in cooking)
  • Low-fat cottage cheese
  • Zucchini, or string beans, or sliced/stewed tomatoes
  • One slice of protein bread, toasted
  • Coffee/Tea/Diet Soda/Water


  • Roast, broiled or barbequed chicken (skin and visible fat removed before eating)
  • Plenty of spinach, green peppers, string beans
  • Coffee/Tea/Diet Soda/Water



  • Assorted cheese slices (preferably low-fat)
  • Spinach, all you want
  • One slice of protein bread, toasted
  • Coffee/Tea/Diet Soda/Water


  • Fish or shellfish
  • Combination salad (any fresh vegetables desired, raw or cooked)
  • One slice of protein bread, toasted
  • Coffee/Tea/Diet Soda/Water



  • Fruit salad, any combination of fruits
  • Coffee/Tea/Diet Soda/Water


  • Roast turkey or chicken
  • Salad of tomatoes and lettuce
  • Grapefruit or fruit in season
  • Coffee/Tea/Diet Soda/Water



  • Cold or hot turkey or chicken
  • Tomatoes, carrots, cooked cabbage, broccoli or cauliflower
  • Grapefruit, or fruit in season
  • Coffee/Tea/Diet Soda/Water


  • Plenty of broiled (grilled) steak, all visible fat removed before eating; any cut of steak you wish- sirloin, porterhouse, London broil, etc.
  • Salad of lettuce, cucumbers, celery, tomatoes (sliced or cooked)
  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Coffee/Tea/Diet Soda/Water


  • Vegetables not permitted are corn, peas, potatoes, lentils, and any beans, except green beans or waxed beans.
  • Where no portion is indicated, you can eat as much as you like.
  • Eat until you are satisfied, not stuffed.
  • Between meals, you can snack on carrots, celery
  • Cooking with herbs, seasonings, spices, grated onion, minced parsley is recommended.
  • Salt, Non-stick vegetable spray, cocktail sauce, ketchup, chili sauce & mustard are all permitted but should be used within moderation.

Scarsdale Medical Diet – Substitute Lunch

If you wish, you may substitute the following lunch for any lunch, any day, on the Scarsdale Medical Diet.

  • One half cup low-fat pot cheese or cottage cheese, mixed with one tablespoon of low-fat sour cream
  • Sliced fruit, all you want
  • 6 halves of walnuts or pecans, whole or chopped, and mixed with above or sprinkled over the fruit
  • Coffee/tea/no-sugar diet soda of any flavor

Second Week of Scarsdale Medical Diet

Repeat all the menus of the first week. It’s as simple as that. If after fourteen days, you still need to lose weight, switch to Keep-Trim Eating for two weeks.

A modern, easy to use companion eBook to help you lose weight and keep it off. Information that will make your dieting experience a lot more enjoyable and effective. The eBook includes:

  • Basic Rules of the Scarsdale Diet
  • Critical Factors for Losing Weight Rapidly
  • Complete Scarsdale Diet Meal Plan
  • 96 Great-Tasting Scarsdale Recipes
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of the Diet
  • Comparison to 8 other Popular Diets
  • How to Lose up to 20 Pounds in 2 Weeks
Scarsdale Diet Companion Paperback

Get the Scarsdale Diet Companion eBook Today!

64 responses to “The Scarsdale Medical 14-Day Diet Meal Plan”

  1. I know the scardalle diet for more than 20 years and it’s really works! Worked out to me everytime I need to loose some kilos, and don’t worrie you I’ll not put back those if you eat health and with moderation on eating junk food,fat ,alcohool,or sweets. Força! Its works,works,works!!

  2. Hi I’ve been on the diet now for 5 days and have lost 8.8 pounds – really hoping to hit the 20 pound target at the end of the 14 days! Amanda

  3. I want to loose 6kgs . I want to start the diet being vegetarian I am bit confused for the no veg substitute.

  4. Hello, This lose weight diet is the best it’s make sense with my normal dieting, and since I do eat alot does hurt all my other dieting ways, its a when you been to on the bad woman off your normals dieting type diet diet. The new book looks Okay I have the old one, thanks, my mom thanks too cause its just a reforcement of what she feeds oh she grown now I’m bothered in ways then. Love you Mommy! Oh I change it tons of ways you first timers are funny, “she said I been on the diet for 5 days” well I’ve been using The Dotor Scardale for years, youngen. She said, “wow it really work’s” Like yeah it’s the question do YOU work your body, To Wong Foo! Ladies! To Wong Foo!(the movie)

    Much love to scardale, I needs to eat! Never try not too that don’t make any sense.

  5. This is great for all those that have lost weight, but I think the amount of pounds loose is relative to the person’s starting weight in the first place. I only weigh 130 and need to loose about 15 lbs, but I doubt if this diet will make me even loose 3 lbs in a week. I will probably need to incorporate cardio at least 3x or more a week to achieve even that.

  6. I’m going to try this, I am bookmarking so I can write my results in 14 days from tom. seems like it will be difficult with not much good tasting/reward food. we’ll see.

  7. The Scarsdale Diet is the only one that works for me… Especially when u eat out a lot like we do! That’s the great thing about it. It is simple to just go buy your food for two weeks, but if u have to eat out u just make the right choices from the list. Also, it is easy to make & feed other members of the family that are NOT dieting! Forget all the trouble of counting calories & eating boring- same soup every day! This is simple & easy $ WORKS! I have used it over 20 yrs & love the recipes ( in the old book) especially the salad dressings!!!!

  8. 27 years ago, went on it 20 lbs for 14 days, then 14 in ten days. Since then I take coffee black. This is the Real McCoy, hahah! the best thing is you learn to eat healthier, but the reason one over eats stress, compensation, o other reason will have to be treated separately, but this diet works if follow to the T.

  9. love scarsdale diet! it never fails me.

    i discovered this from a coworker 7 years ago. she was about to get married that time and one time i saw her passed by me and didnt recognize her. she lost a ton of weight and in just a month’s time!

    i’m not really overweight (i was between 117-120) but that time i needed to lose 10lbs so bad so i tried it. i lost 3 lbs in a week, and take note i was cheating for a bit (i love my sweets and i sometimes can’t help going to italian restos)… but still 3 lbs is good!

    i would also do the kip trim after that and it does help me maintain my weight…when i let go of myself again, specially during holidays, i’ll just go back to scarsdale again…been doing it still til now….

    i did notice that you have to rest for a month or so to make this effective again… somehow i think my body kinda adjusts to my scarsdale eating habits that when i do scarsdale for 4 weeks in a row i wouldn’t lose a pound! so keep trim should be done in conjuction with scarsdale…

  10. It is day two for me and I’m excited to see some results. I only need to lose about 15 pounds like the previous post so I hope it works. How often are you supposed to weigh yourself?

  11. I tried this diet many years ago and I did lose 30 pounds the first month.
    I have made some bad choices over the years and now plan to go back on this again. My Hubby is going to do it with me. My Mom wants to lose another 10 pounds so she is considering it also.

  12. I did this diet and it really work, i lost 10 pounds in 14 days and never feel hungry, thanks scarsdale.

  13. i know this diet about 7 years ago and every time i need a diet i don’t hesitate to go through it,amazing diet so easy, so fair and i lost a lot of my extra kilos around 10 kg, am so proud,

  14. I have been doing the scarsdale diet since 1982 and have always been able to
    maintain my weight. It is a miracle diet and truly works. The food is simple and
    easy to fix and for the rest of the folks in the family you can always plan something
    along the same line for them to eat. Thanks so much.

  15. This diet works. It’s the only diet that works for me when I want to lose weight unfortunately over the years I go back to my old ways of eating rather than following and sticking to keep trim and the four pound stop signal to maintain my weight which is what I am doing now. This diet is easy to stick too once you get into the habit of doing it and it certainly helps me to get a handle of my eating habits and changes the way I eat. I am not hungry whilst on the diet and the meal plans are simple to follow and to prepare. I have recommended this diet to several people.

  16. I have been doing this diet for 5 days and went from 220 to 211.6. The most drastic change i have had so far was during the frist 3 days, and have been keeping the wight off. One thing i would advise is to have a stool softer ready and multi-vitamines because of the lack of calcium you get. Also try instead of coffee green tea with mint and lemon grass.

  17. I lost a lot of weight back in the late 70’s and early 80’s with this diet. I was in college at the time and it came off easy. Now I am 52 have been on it for four days, I have lost 4 pounds and very happy about that. I will have to be honest and say that I am hungry all the time! The carrots and celery do not fill me up or starve off the hunger pains. I am not really over weight, I would be happy losing 10-15 pounds. I am happy with the 4 pounds in 4 days, but my metabolism has definitely slowed down.

  18. I was on this years ago and it does work….however, I was ALWAYS hungry. I said at the time that I would strangle the good doctor, but girlfriend shot him first!!

  19. My mom and I are both on this diet right now. My mom and dad did it in the 80s and always lost weight with it and have been going back to it ever since when things get a little out of control!

    I am addicted to sugar and this diet helps me to kick the addiction. I have to do it for about 12 weeks alternating keep trim with scarsdale diet and then you can put sugar in front of me and I have no desire to eat it. I do the diet for about 12 weeks every two years and then other than that eat what I want and I have been able to maintain my weight within 5 lbs from my senior year of high school.

    I am 5’4” and normal weight is about 140 lbs, very muscular, size 4 or 6 just to give you an idea. My mom is 5’7” somewhat muscular and around 145 lbs. My Dad is 6’2” and weighs about 250. Just to give you an idea it works for all body types.

    It is a great eating plan and can be modified to fit gluten free, calorie/point counting, or paleo lifestyles.

    I am on day 3 and have lost 3 pounds in the first three days. It is very hard for me to say no to dessert during this diet but I remind myself that after I do the diet I won’t even want it anymore. Literally sugar doesn’t taste the same after you do this diet and you will begin to crave steak and veggies! It is hard during the first round but it gets easier.

  20. My husband and I are both on this diet plan right now. Within the 2weeks my husband lost 12lbs and I lost 6lbs. His goal was to drop 15-20lbs and my goal was 10-15lbs. He has changed to the modified diet plan and I am still working on dropping 10lbs more. We both have also increased our exercise regiment and that has also helped with not only dropping the weight but toning along the way. We are both 52years old and my husband is 6foot and now weighs 200, I am am 5foot and not weigh 126, my goal is 116….so I shall continue to work on dropping my last 10lbs….Scarsdale does work….

  21. starting tomorrow!!! yippppeeee have used this be for it does really work…..i’ll keep u posted

  22. I tried this diet 20 years ago and it worked great. Going to try it again because with Menopause I have put on 20 pounds.

  23. I went on this diet years ago and it worked great! I am starting again on Monday! I can’t wait!

  24. I used this diet many many years ago and it worked like a charm! I am headed out to the grocery store now and hope to see similar results. Although this time I need to lose approx. 50, so I’m in it for the long haul. I’m looking forward to fitting in some of my clothes that I haven’t been able to send to Goodwill! 🙂

  25. This diet really works. I did this 5 years ago and am going to do it again. I’ll check back in. One thing, I don’t like eggs. I just skipped them but would like a substitue. The older I get Im finding it really difficult to lose weight, even with religous excercise. Going to start Monday. I’ll check in two weeks from then.

  26. MY family on both sides are heavy, I remember my mother reading the Scarsdale diet book back in the 70’s and losing a ton of weight, I was only in JR High back then and did not need to lose weight at that point but after my children were born I packed on an enormous amount of weight and reaching a whopping 242 lbs. I tried all the fad diets and pre-packaged diets and would lose 10- 15 lbs. here and there but never as much as I needed, then I came across my moms Scarsdale book and decided to give it a try, In short this diet works and you don’t have to starve to do it, I lost 100 lbs and continue to use this diet to maintain my weight!!

  27. hi I have been on this diet for 10 days now and have already lost 9lbs I do get hungrey sometimes but I drink water plenty.. so it sees me through to my next meal .I would recommend this to anyone as it does work…and the good thing is its 2 on and 2 off its not a long drawn out diet.i can feel the difference already.. and the good thing is if I do put a little weight back on I will go back on it

  28. My daughter and went on this for 2 weeks before her wedding 14 yrs ago.. It worked, we had to call and get our dresses alerted 2 days before the wedding. Thank God it all worked out fine, the diet and the dresses. Plan on trying this plan again, need to lose 30 pds,

  29. I have lost 4 lbs. in 3 days on this diet. It makes you want to keep going. I cannot wait for the scales to talk to me in 2 weeks! Just drink lots of water or green tea with lemon, or a diet soda to keep full in between meals.

  30. First time on it and this the most amazing diet plan in the first week I lost 12lbs. I didn’t feel hungry and meals are great. I don’t eat red meat or pork so for me to be able to substitute awesome.

  31. I see a lot of talk from doctors and such against this diet. Well, I’m here to tell you it’s the best diet you ever want to try … AND actually lose weight. Why take diet pills that can lead to other issues because of the ingredients in them? My first go at this diet was back in the 80’s when I desperately needed to lose weight. In 30 days I went from 167 lbs. down to 143 (my normal weight is 125). Do not deviate from the diet … stay on it as much as possible. Substitute only what is allowed. I promise you … you will not be disappointed. Even if you lose all the weight you set out to lose, you can still stay on it with no ill effects. In other words, stay with the breakfasts every day. Or the lunches … this diet is not that hard to swallow, and the ‘Ends’ definitely justify the means!

  32. Used the Scarsdale Diet 20 years ago and it worked great! Now menopause and inactivity have added on the pounds. It’s time to get rid of the excess weight and begin the rest of my life a fitter, healthier woman. I owe it to myself to get control of my eating habits. I’m so excited about beginning the diet that I’m going to start on Friday instead of waiting until Monday. At 61 I expect a little more difficulty losing weight this time around, but I’m worth it. Good luck to me!

  33. I am in the diet its amazing!! Honestly don’t think just do it !! It’s great ! I lost 12 pounds in 1p days without being hunger.

  34. In 1982 and again in 1996 I lost 12-15 lbs . I will now be starting the 14 day diet to lose the excess weight gained over the past 2 years.

  35. Following this to the letter I released 40 lbs in 6 weeks; 20lbs the first 2 weeks, 10 the next 2 using the maintenance plan, then another 10 the last 2 weeks when on the modified plan.

  36. Hello. I have been running back and forth to this diet plan for over 15 years. I started again two days ago to get in shape for my 60th Birthday. I can not begin to tell you there is no other diet that does what this diet can do for you as long as you follow it to the core. I have tried other diets but always ran back to this diet. To be honest, I never did the keep trim, but I will now. This diet is healthy, and balanced. I love the results I see in the first 5 days. Try it. I guarantee you, you will not be disappointed.

  37. Many local health food stores now sell high protein loaves of bread. You can also order it online, like here, and have it shipped straight to your door.

    With any meal plan it’s important to make it as convenient as possible for yourself.

  38. Will it be fine to drink wster with all three meals because it says just coffee/tea for breakfast.?!

  39. Hi Kathy,

    As long as you’re eating the raw version of the fruit and it’s only a small portion of your meal, then you’re able to replace the veg with some fruit.

  40. I used the diet, many years ago…I did it 2 weeks before my yearly cruises, because you know how much food is available on those! It has been about 18 years since I did the diet, but now need to drop some excess due to heart surgery several years ago, when I cant exercise much. Day 2 just past and I have problem adjusting to it. For years, I have only been eating 1 meal a day..between 7 and 9pm each night. I know I won’t be eating 3 meals a day, maybe coffee and the toast a few time…but a day with a lunch and dinner would be pushing it. Anyway, the bottom line is that back in the 80’s and early 90’s (when I would eat 2-3 meals a day) I would be between 18-23 pounds in loss the two weeks. I never had any problems and think it works wonders.

  41. I first used this diet in the mid seventies and lost ten pounds in a week. Have used the diet several times over the past 40 years. I am 6’2’ and weigh 201 lbs. My ideal weight is 180lbs. My problem is alcohol, which believe it or not, alcohol negates the affect of caloric deficit. The good doctor stated that n his book, but he said he did not know why. Believe me you are wasting your effort if you consume alcohol while on this diet. I am starting Scarsdale tomorrow and trying to do my best to abstain from alcohol. I am an alcoholic, so wish me luck. Will give an update in two weeks.


  42. My family went on the Scarsdale , diet and followed it to a tee. We were supporting our oldest daughter on her journey of a twenty pound weight lose for her prom night. Even to the point of taking lunch to school everyday and eating in our van in the parking lot.
    We have all lost weight. Dad 25lbs, myself 15lbs, daughter #1 20lbs, daughter #2 didn’t do the diet (no need to, but uses it now, specialy after baby) daughter #3 15lbs, & son 18lbs. They are all grown and continue to use Scarsdale, constantly borrowing my books. Hum!!! maybe Christmas present’s this year!!!!!

  43. For me is the diet forever I used with after my first pregnancy 47 years ago and after my 4 children made always and always was great

  44. The Scarsdale diet really does work period! I would have to agree with another post…no other diet does for me, what this one does. I always come back to Scarsdale and when followed achieve amazing results & feel Great!

  45. This is the only diet that I have tried that works for me. I have actually made the protein bread because in addition to being hard to find in stores , it is too expensive. The diet does work! You just have to make up your mind that you are going to stick with it. You see weight lost daily, that is the part that I like. It gives you an incentive to keep going.

  46. I started using the diet in 1982. I started it two weeks and a day before the first cruise I took..Realizing they feed you like cattle ever 2 hours or so. I lost 23lbs. I did it for the 12 years I went on cruises. Had to stop due to marriage and children! Every time, the minimum I lost was 18 lbs. Believe it or not, doing the diet usually gives me more food than I usually eat. I have 2 meals tops most days but usually just dinner. Anyway, I have nothing bad to say about it. Being a big fruit eater, I usually vary to fruits I usually don’t buy at all so it is a bit of a change for me. I always find results. I just weight myself on the first Monday, second Monday and then the Monday after the diet. I use a Publix scale and the same clothes each morning I go. That will give me the best weight results. Great diet!!!!

  47. I went on this diet after my wedding in 2016… ha ha – funny that – slim before one gets married! lost weight but also did the lymphatic drainage and some body wraps with a fat burner and the kgs dropped but more the cms. It is now 2020 and I am back on the programme. It is so easy to follow although I have gone off red meat and would like to know if I can substitute red meat for chicken or fish rather? Here’s hoping I can fit back into my wedding dress – 5 years later… I am 5ft4 and am weighing 73kgs my ideal weight is 57kgs – i would be happy to get to 65kgs as I am perimenopausal as well. That’s 8kgs which is a lot. Taking up running and cycling again. I am quite muscular and have always exercise so my metabolism has definitely slowed as has my running speed carrying an extra 8kgs is not easy!

  48. I have already lost 35 pounds counting calories. So I have maintained this loss but have 15 pounds to go. So I started the Scarsdale diet recently. Doing well. I’m not weighing for 2 weeks . But the one thing I am doing is counting calories to keep them about 12oo per day or less. I can even add a dab of butter here and there if I want. It’s all in the calories besides the healthy foods. I noticed I had no sugar cravings yesterday. This is good because I always want sweets. I am very excited about the Scarsdale Diet. One other thought: if the good Dr. Tarnover hadn’t been sadly murdered by his wacky girlfriend then I think he would have written an update of the Scarsdale Diet allowing us more choices now. But no, Jean Harris prevented that!

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