South Beach Diet – Understanding The South Beach Diet

A pleasant side effect of the South Beach Diet was weight loss.

The South Beach Diet helps you to lose weight by focusing on a healthy balance between good carbs and the right fats to eliminate cravings while burning away excess fat at the same time. For more interesting post on how to keep ha healthy lifestyle, you will want to read about this smart drugs for ADD.

The South Beach Diet is not low-carb. Nor is it low-fat. Instead, it teaches you to rely on the right carbs and the right fats – the good ones – so you lose weight, lower your cholesterol, reduce your risk of heart disease and diabetes, and get rid of cravings without feeling hungry.

In one 12-week study of 40 overweight people, those who followed the South Beach Diet lost an average of 13.6 lb, almost double the 7.5 lb lost by those on the strict “Step II” American Heart Association (AHA) diet. And the South Beach Diet group showed greater decreases in waist-to-hip ratio (belly fat) and triglycerides, and their good to bad cholesterol ratio improved more. Plus, only one person dropped out compared with five in the AHA group.

By choosing the right carbs and the right fats, you simply won’t be hungry all the time, and portion sizes will take care of themselves.

Good Carbs versus Bad Carbs

Much of our excess weight comes from the carbohydrates we eat, especially the highly processed ones found in baked goods, breads, snacks, soft drinks, and other convenient favorites. Modern industrial processing removes the fiber from these foods, and once that’s gone, their very nature- and how we metabolize them- changes significantly, and for the worse.

One side effect of excess weight, we now know, is an impairment of insulin’s ability to do its job of processing fuel (fats and sugars) properly. This condition is called insulin resistance. As a result, the body stores more fat than it should, especially in the midsection.

Decrease consumption of those bad carbs, studies showed, and the insulin resistance starts clearing up. Weight decreases, and you begin metabolizing carbs properly. Even the craving for carbs disappears once you cut down on them. Finally, cutting out processed carbs lowers triglycerides and cholesterol.

The Right Fat

To make up for the overall cut in carbs, the South Beach Diet permits ample fats and animal proteins. The low-fat regimen’s severe restrictions on meat were unnecessary. The latest studies had shown that lean meat did not have a harmful effect on blood chemistry. Even egg yolks are good for you, which is contrary to what we once believed. Chicken, turkey, and fish are recommended, along with nuts and low-fat cheeses and yogurt.

As a rule, low-fat prepared foods can be a bad idea; the fats are replaced with carbs, which are also fattening. But dairy products such as cheese, milk, and yogurt that are low-fat are exceptions to this rule; they are nutritious and not fattening.

Also allowed with the South Beach Diet are plenty of healthy monounsaturated fats such as olive and canola oils. These are the good fats. In addition to actually reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke, they taste good and make food palatable. They’re filling too.

Caution: If you have kidney problems, talk to your doctor before starting this diet. If you have diabetes, get tested to make sure that your kidneys are not impaired before starting this diet.

Get the Scarsdale Diet Companion eBook

A great eBook to help you lose weight and keep it off! Information that will make your dieting experience a lot easier, enjoyable and more successful. The eBook includes:

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  • Complete Scarsdale Diet Meal Plan
  • 96 Great Tasting Scarsdale Recipes
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of the Diet
  • Comparison to 8 other Popular Diets
  • How to Lose up to 20 Pounds in 2 Weeks
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The Many Benefits Offered By The Medifast Diet

The 5 & 1 program allows you to partake of five great tasting and nutritious meals each day, in addition to one Lean & Green meal. These meals may be chosen interchangeably so you can choose any five meals that you like, with exception to the Maintenance bars which should be limited to one per day due to their calorie and carbohydrate content. Best of all, you can have a Medifast Diet plan tailored to meet the needs of your own body.

Eating a diet rich in vegetables and lean proteins — and low in foods that contain sugar and saturated fat — can also help to prevent disorders that affect your libido, like metabolic syndrome and hormonal conditions. These seven foods are packed with nutrients that can perk up your libido and may improve your overall health, too. Are you looking to improve your sexual health? Then read more about this True Pheromones here for more info! If you need some specific healthy with this matter, we recommend to try out this Ferri vibrator.

One of the more unique things offered by the Medifast Diet is the fact that it makes use of flavor infusers which can add taste and other benefits to water. In some ways these are similar to the flavor packets offered by Crystal Light, but in addition to flavor these infusers also include metabolism boosters and healthful antioxidants depending on the type you choose. These packets are not considered to be meals, but instead can be used up to five times a day on the 5 & 1 plan. Each packet only contains five calories, but does not provide the same nutrient included in each meal.

The Medifast Diet has been recommended by over 20,000 doctors since 1980. It has been deemed to be both effective and medically safe by several high ranking universities in addition to the John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Several controlled studies have been conducted that have unanimously concluded that the program is safe. It has also been concluded that most individuals who participate in the program lost roughly between two and five pounds a week. Individual results will vary depending on your own weight loss goals, level of exercise, etc. It is generally a good idea to check with your doctor before beginning any weight loss program.

Due to the unhealthy additives included in many fad diets, it is natural to have concerns before beginning this program. Fortunately Medifast does not contain any harmful herbal stimulants such as ephedrine that could create side effects in certain individuals. However, the Health Management Shakes do contain certain components such as black cohosh that may not be recommended for your body, so consult your physician if you have concerns.

The Medifast diet is so effective at helping individuals lose weight due to the large gap between the amount of calories your body takes in and the amount of calories that are burned each day. The special meals included in the program offer the perfect combination of carbs, fat, protein, vitamins, and minerals that your body needs to function each day. The meals are perfect for the busy individual because they are quick and easy to prepare.

Scarsdale Diet Home-Baked Protein Bread Recipe

For people who have decided to live healthier lives and lose weight, the Scarsdale diet is a great choice of meal plan to follow.

It has all the ingredients of a successful weight loss and health plan that millions of people worldwide have seen good results following the implementation of this program. To learn about other supplements that can boost your health, read here the Sour Patch Kids Strain review by fresh bros.

As you begin in your commitment to the Scarsdale Diet program, to help you lose weight,  you will need to find a way to make some of the foods on your own. A common denominator of all the meal plans is the popular Scarsdale Diet protein bread. This is foundational in following the diet regimen.

If you want to continue on with the program but don’t have the budget to always buy this protein bread from the local gourmet store, then take a look at this recipe and make this stuff in your own home.

Scarsdale Diet Protein Bread


  • 1 cup warm water
  • 1 Tbsp. dry yeast
  • Half a teaspoon of salt
  • Half a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar P a g e | 53 Copyright ©2011 – All Rights Reserved
  • Half a cup of soy flour
  • One and a half cups of whole wheat flour
  • A teaspoon of sugar (optional)
  • One-fourth cup of gluten flour (this is a healthier alternative to your usual flour)


  • Put one tablespoon of dry yeast into a bowl with a cup of warm water in it. Let the mixture stand and wait for about five minutes until the yeast will dissolve. Once dissolved you may now add sugar, salt and apple cider vinegar and mix it well.
  • Sift the gluten and soy flours together on a separate bowl. Little by little, pour in the yeast mixture onto this bowl.
  • Add the sifted whole wheat flour into the mixture. Fold it in until you see the dough is formed. Make sure that bits and pieces do not stick to the side of the bowl. Using a food processor or a mixer with dough hooks will help you in properly mixing the ingredients.
  • Sprinkle some flour onto the board or kitchen counter. Scoop half a handful of dough and place this on the board or counter. Knead the dough for about five minutes and make sure it is elastic and smooth.
  • Spray some non-stick spray onto the bread pan and put the small pieces of kneaded dough on top of it. Leave some space for the dough to expand. Cover this with a moderately dampened towel and set this aside. Wait for the yeast to rise.
  • While waiting, you can preheat your oven to 325 degrees.
  • Bake the bread for about one hour or wait till the bread is light golden brown.
  • Once baked, cut into thin slices and keep the remaining bread inside your refrigerator.